Dear Neighbour

As local residents that live next to and uses Europa Road, we feel that it is important that we work together to make this road safer for both pedestrians and road users.

Welcome to our new dedicated website: we have also set up a Facebook group if you’d rather join this

Certain stretches of Europa Road, especially between the Brympton Bus Stop (Buena Vista Road junction) and Windmill Hill Road offers no safety for pedestrians at all, in addition to posing risks to road users, with no pavement at all (yet people still walk along it!). Even in recent times the road has suffered a fatality and a number of road traffic accidents.

Of pedestrians are killed when struck by vehicles at impact speeds of less than 65kph.

Of pedestrians are killed at
speeds less than 48kph.

Of pedestrians are killed at
speeds less than 32kph.

We are asking if you could please email us on indicating your support for road safety improvements and which improvements would be most preferable.

We have had some positive discussions with Government Departments to explore what solutions are available, and there are many ways to improve the current situation that Government has indicated it could explore:

Traffic calming speed humps

reducing the speed of traffic improves survival chances in a collision event and also mitigates the chances of collision with pedestrians and other vehicles in the first place.
[This could happen immediately, with enough support]

A speed camera

again, reduction in speed of traffic through this narrow section of road could save lives.
[This could happen immediately, with enough support]

A pedestrian walkway / pavement

Aside of reduction in speed, taking pedestrians off the road would be the ideal solution – even if it’s not for the entire stretch of road, it’s better than what we have now. However, it requires collaboration from Government on portions of public land and also from some residents and therefore…

[it may take time and some investment to bring about – it’s feasible though and can we puta price on safety?]

The more responses we have the better, ahead of us asking Government to progress the enhancements to road safety that can happen now – we cannot wait for a potentially fatal or serious accident to take place. If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to email us – road safety cannot go ignored, it’s an accident waiting to happen!

Best wishes,

Gregory and Karen

As a concerned user of this road, please tick the boxes that are most preferable to you. This will help us all to summarise what is most important when we are encouraging Government to progress road safety improvements on Europa Road for road users and pedestrians alike.
